Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Silent Spring, The Mad Farmer Liberation Front, The Making of a Marginal Farm

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson:
I think that the facts she gives are surprising, but it is a lot of stuff we have heard before. Most of the statistics apply to years before so it hard to think of how it is effecting birds now. Are these toxins still being used? The sprays that were killing them? Are foxes still getting sick as well from eating the poisoned birds and rats? It is hard to be shocked or surprised by this information when it doesn't necessarily effect now.

Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front:
I got out of this a clear dislike for the lives of farmers. It references them as ignorant, and only concerned with profit. the author is daring them to keep continuing their behavior and then gives a threat for if they do.

The Making of a Marginal Farm:
Berry as a farmer tries to prove that farming can be economically sound. There has been a lot of talk of all the farm that it is doing, but he finds ways to make his farm better and more environmentally friendly. The only thing is that he is not very successful with it. His farming still causes erosion, and the land has many problems. He believes his plan would've been more successful had the land had less problems when they bought it, but in trying to prove people wrong he only proved them right.

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